Are you crushing your 2017 goals?

Are you crushing your 2017 goals or are you just waiting for them to happen? We're officially 2 weeks into 2017 and I invite you to reflect over your last 2 weeks, to check in with yourself, to make sure you are taking the steps you need to make your goals happen!  

Whether it is a personal goal or a business goal - the first step in achieving it is to make an action plan! If you want to write a book this year, carve out time every week and schedule it! If your goal is to eat healthier - make your list at the beginning of the week and make sure you are stocked in the fridge with easy to grab healthy options! If your goal is to get more clients and increase your revenue - how is your marketing plan and most importantly your retention plan going?


Without action goals are just, well, words. You have to put the action and the hard work behind those words to make your goals turn into a reality! I highly suggest sharing your goals with a friend or family member - someone who will help keep you accountable by asking you how they are coming. Chances are, when you know someone is going to be asking you and cheering for you, you'll be a little more motivated.


Look, I know we all have busy lives consumed with work, personal life and fun. I just want you to have exactly what you want in this life and we only get one shot so get going, get inspired and get to work on crushing your goals for 2017! I'll be rooting for you every step of the way, that's a promise!