Three Ways to Say Goodbye to Stress

Look, we all have a lot on our plates. We scurry around checking off our "to do lists" often times while simultaneously returning emails, talking on the phone, and eating. It's so important to slow down sometimes. Whether you feel it or not, the majority of people with a hectic lifestyle feel stress from time to time. These three things have helped me say goodbye to stress, not forever, but in the moment.  

  1. Breathe.

Now, before you reach through your computer and want to smack me over the head with this lame cliche, hear me out. When things are irritating, when stress is mounting, most of us shorten our breath or even hold it. This does NOTHING for us. When you start to feel stress creeping in, take 10 seconds to stop what you are doing and literally just breathe through your nose and out through your mouth. Try it a few times, it'll take the stress down a few notches, promise.


2.  Build in No Screen Time

I struggled with this for years. No matter what happens in my week, I set aside some time for me without screens. It can be as little as five minutes or as long as a day. For me, I have to turn off all electronics that are so stimulating to our nervous systems. If you're like me, you could have the news on, the computer open and your phone in your face, multi-tasking trying to get everything done. I understand that this is a reality of the world that we live in now; however, it's important to get back to basics and turn these distractions off - even for just a small amount of time. Currently, my phone goes off on Sunday morning as soon as I wake up and comes back on at 9pm Sunday night. I try my best to keep the computer closed and the TV off. It helps ground me and slow me down to prepare for the week ahead.


3.  Quick Declutter

Every day set an alarm for just 10-15 minutes. In those 10-15 minutes don't do anything but declutter and clean. That stack of mail on the edge of the counter? Go through it, recycle and file what you need to get it gone. The laundry in the hamper? Sort it. Prepare yourself to just throw it in washing machine. Those dishes that haven't gotten put away from the morning? Do it now, do it now, do it now! Your house won't be spotless after just 10-15 minutes but it will sure help you feel more accomplished. Plus, a clean and decluttered space can lead to a decluttered mind!


Next time you're feeling the weight of stress on your shoulders, try one or all three of these tiny tips and see if it doesn't get just a tiny bit better!

